Singing Guide: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee feat. Justin Bieber

Singing Guide: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee feat. Justin Bieber

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee's "Despacito" topped charts globally and instantly turned into an earworm. The song is recognizable by its Reggaeton-inspired rhythm, Latin folk sound elements, and, of course, Luis Fonsi's smooth and gentle voice. The duet version featuring Justin Bieber added an extra layer of a pop twist, reaching an even wider audience.

If you'd like to sing like Luis Fonsi, here are a few practical tips and key elements to incorporate:

Your Vocal Range

Start with Singing Carrot's vocal range test, which can help you learn your voice range. Being aware of the range you feel comfortable with can aid in selecting tunes that best suit you. This is essential in case you want to perform a song like "Despacito." Luis Fonsi's mid-range vocals are the main attraction in "Despacito" that makes it catchy and sensually pleasing on the listener's ears.

Breathing and Breath Support

Breathing and breath support are critical in singing comfortably and consistently. To sing "Despacito" effortlessly, focus on the Farinelli Breathing exercise and Breath Support. Correct breathing technique prevents your throat's constriction, which can lead to a hoarse or strained sound during singing.

Body Posture

Sitting or standing with an upright posture is essential for optimizing both your singing and breathing. Correct posture also minimizes the risk of developing unnecessary tension or a strain in your neck or back. Don't forget to take care of your back while singing.

Voice Technique

Luis Fonsi's extraordinary voice is built on a basic singing technique that everyone can learn, and here are key singing techniques to note:

Twang, Vibrato, and Chest Voice

Twang is a vocal technique that boosts high-frequency overtones and timber. This technique gives Luis Fonsi's voice the notorious sharpness and brightness in his singing, and you can learn it by practicing How to Twang Exercise. Also, practice Vibrato, which adds expression and character to your singing, as well as coolness and gravity in your voice. Familiarize yourself with Chest Voice Explained and Singing Comfort Zone exercises to help build a strong and resonant chest voice.

Articulation and Nasality

Luis Fonsi's singing style presents crystal clear articulation of lyrics and allows naturality in his voice tonality. To achieve his level of clarity, you can use Finger Bite exercise to practice the correct mouth and jaw posture while singing. Nasality can add character and excitement to a unique voice. Check how to use Soft Palate and Stop Sounding Nasal exercises to try different ways to tone your voice.

Song Learning and Practice

Singing "Despacito" involves delicate, improvised rhythms and heavily syncopated drum beats that make it feel more complex even though the melody is reasonably straightforward. How to learn a song effectively article can help a beginner as well as a seasoned performer alike. Once you learn the song, play it through the Vocal Pitch Monitor, and check how close you are to hitting the right notes in the melody.

Progress Tracking

Monitor your improvement by keeping track of your vocal exercise practice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.